José Jeús Diaz Rodriguez is a member of Meza Lawyers & Associates. He has a Law Degree from the Michoacán University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo. He is a Master in Tax Law with honorable mention, from the University of Guanajuato; Master of Inudstrial Property, Copyright and New Technologies Law by the Universidad Panamerica, Aguascalientes campus; PhD in Tax Law with honorable mention, from the University of Durango.
He has taught at the University Vasco de Quiroga (UVAC), the University of Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA) and the University of Durango, in all of them, at postgraduate level. He has been a speaker in various courses and seminars taught in Public Accountants Associations of various States of the Republic, in the Mexican Institute of Social Security, in the National Chamber of the Industrial Development and Housing Promotion, among others, in matters of Law Tax, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Social Security Law, Labor Law, Human Rights, Environmental Law and Industrial Property.
He is an Academic Member, since February 1995, of the Barra Mexicana-Colegio de Abogados, A.C. He is also a Member and Academician of number, since 1998, of the Mexican Academy of Labor and Social Security Law. He is also a Member and Academician of the Mexican Academy of Social Security Law as an academic number 198, and also as founding Academician of the Michoacán Academy of Social Security Law.
He has published several articles, among which we can mention: Article published in the newspaper "NOVEDADES TABASCO", number 4399, year XIII, dated Tuesday, April 2, 1996, in Villahermosa, Tabasco, regarding the interview conducted by the Licentiate in Journalism Vicente Peña Martínez, on the "PATRONAL REPLACEMENT". Article published in the newspaper "ABZ INFORMATION AND LEGAL ANALYSIS", in its number 30, dated September 16, 1996, relating to Labor Law, entitled "OBLIGATION TO NOTIFY IN WRITING IN PERCENTORY THE NOTICE OF PATRONAL SUBSTITUTION". Article published in December 1996 in the Yearbook 1996 of the newspaper "ABZ INFORMATION AND LEGAL ANALYSIS", belonging to ABZ Editores, visible on pages 417 to 420, on Labor Law, called "OBLIGATION TO NOTIFY IN WRITING IN TERMS OF PERCEPTION THE NOTICE OF PATRONAL SUBSTITUTION ". Article published on August 16, 1997 in the newspaper "ABZ INFORMATION AND LEGAL ANALYSIS", in its number 52, on Labor Law, entitled "NEED TO INSTITUTE THE INCIDENT OF JUST CAUSES IN LABOR MATTERS". Article published on January 16, 1998 in the newspaper "ABZ INFORMATION AND LEGAL ANALYSIS", in its number 62, on Labor Law, entitled "LAGUNAS FISCALES EN LAS AFORES". Article published on 1st. August 1998 in the newspaper "ABZ INFORMATION AND LEGAL ANALYSIS", in its number 75, on Labor Law, entitled "ANALYSIS OF THE COMPETENCE OF THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE FEDERATION TO KNOW ABOUT LABOR PROVISIONS, THESIS LXI / 97 published in June of 1997". Article published on 1st. May 1999 in the newspaper "ABZ INFORMATION AND LEGAL ANALYSIS", in its number 93, on Tax Law, entitled "SPANISH PUBLIC AND EUROPEAN HACIENDA: EXPERIENCES IN THE FRAMEWORK OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION", information inherent to the book published by Don Pablo Gutiérrez Junquera, from his book Curso de Hacienda Pública, Ediciones Universidad Salamanca / University Manuals Salamanca, Spain- October 1998.
He is a founding partner of the Dispatch ADN Fiscal, Consultoría y Defensa Empresarial, S.C, located in Morelia Michoacán.
He has extensive experience in advising, strategy and defense in tax and administrative matters, highlighting his extensive knowledge in the challenges of the laws and resolutions of the tax and public administration authorities, local and federal, administrative procedure of execution, procedures before the Attorney General's Office. Taxpayer Defense, tax obligations, tax situation of the company, application of tax laws, tax alternatives, property planning for individuals and corporations, tax credits, tax litigation in customs matters and protection in fiscal and administrative matters.